Disposition is based on several factors. In most cases we will either sell it using an online auction vendor, recycle it, or donate it to another municipality.
Can the county sell to me directly?
No, only through sealed bid or auction can the county sell to consumers.
What does the county do with surplus land?
Recently, Rutherford County has used Coldwell Banker for auctions that take place onsite. These auctions are advertised in several publications and are posted on the Rutherford County webpage.
Who does the county use for online auctions?
County general currently uses GovDeals.com as our online auction provider.
What happens to Delinquent Tax Sale Properties bought by the county?
Land purchased by the county in Chancery Court delinquent tax auctions are entered into the Fixed Assets system. These lands are also subject to the one-year right of redemption period. Once fully matured, the Property Management Committee will discuss the appropriate action in regards to the property. Only after this time can the county decide whether to use it or sell it.
What should we do if we have county or school equipment that needs to be surplused?
Fill out the appropriate Surplus Form in our forms section and turn this in to Inventory Control. For schools, surplus lists will be called for in November. More details will be given at that time.
When does the school surplus list become available?
This is usually called for in early November and transfers are available in January.
Do I have to wait for the school surplus list before disposal?
Yes. All tagged county property must be stored until the completion of the surplus sale. See the School Board surplus policies for more information.
When will they pick up surplus not sold?
Unfortunately Inventory Control doesn’t handle pick-ups for the school surplus sale. Contact the School Board for this information.
How often does an inventory reviews take place?
We conduct yearly inventories of county general departments, schools, school administration, and the highway department. There are currently 42 schools and over 30 county general departments in our area for which we keep inventory records. Typically, we conduct an inventory each year, but we try to get 2 reviews in a 3-year period complete.
How do I know what you are looking for in these reviews?
We look for any item that meets a certain dollar amount criteria for each category. The chart, Capital Assets List, shows the categories and dollar amount threshold it must meet to be tagged by our office
If an items or items are not found during the inventory, it is listed as “unfound” or “remaining” and will be searched for in the next fiscal inventory. Typically items can be hidden under furniture, in boxes for storage, hidden underneath supplies, etc. It is actually quite common with the number of assets and current storage restrictions that items go “unfound” or “remaining.” But take care, for if items are not seen in the next inventory, they will be classified as “missing.”
What is a “missing” asset?
This is an asset that has been lost and not seen for 2 consecutive inventories. These assets are reported to the County Commission and School Board in the Yearend Presentation.
What is the difference between “missing” and “remaining”?
“Remaining” are those not seen after one inventory. “Missing” are those not seen after two inventories and are subject to being taken out of our fixed assets records. For schools, contact your SRO and file a police report for the stolen items. For county general, you may contact anyone from the Sheriff’s Office or Murfreesboro Police. Fax the completed paperwork to Inventory Control at (615) 904-7526.
Do you tag special program items given to teachers?
Yes, if it is viewed as county property. If the item is teacher property, for instance if the teacher retires or quits and the camera or other item comes home with them, then no we won’t tag it. If, however, the item stays with Rutherford County, then yes we would tag it. In most instances, these items are for use only in this county and henceforth would be tagged. See Inventory Control as these need to be taken on a case-by-case basis.
Do you tag sports and band booster equipment?
The question will be true ownership. In most cases the boosters buy things for the school to stay at the school and are hence viewed as either donations or actual purchases and subject to tagging. But these are also taken on a case-by-case basis.
Why did you tag my personal equipment?
We strive to conduct the most accurate inventory that we can but we do tag personal equipment from time to time. In many cases, teacher owned printers, laptops, and cameras don’t resemble the typical purchases of the county and we would avoid them until verification of purchasing documentation. Sometimes they do resemble usual county purchases and without the teacher or staff member in the room or some type of identification, we assume such. It is best that if you do have personal property in the classroom or office that you mark these accordingly. Instructors are given notice by Administration before Inventory conducts our review, so it would be wise to mark them at this time. We do look for state and federal tags on equipment and will notice any markings or indicators you provide.
Should I do my own inventory record keeping?
According to the county and schools policies, each department or school is required to have a person as an inventory liaison. Aside from this position, it would be purely based on your staff’s ability to control records. It may be beneficial to have a person in charge of, say, the Library checkout, Math, or Automotive Department’s assets. For larger departments, this has been an effective solution in eliminating the guesswork from those who are not normally involved in the department’s daily business.