
Abuse / Cruelty Investigation

Don't be afraid to report a case of possible animal cruelty or abuse and speak for those who can't speak for themselves.

There is certain information needed to investigate an animal abuse or neglect case. A direct witness is required; the complaint cannot be based on hearsay.

  • Complainant information: name, address, phone number
  • Exact location or address of the animal(s)
  • Any information on the owner of the animal(s)
  • Statement from complainant
  • Condition of animal(s)
  • Conditions in which animal(s) are living

If you suspect abuse, please contact us at (615) 898-7740. If you do not want your name mentioned, please understand that we need specific information from a complainant (name, address, phone number) for the purpose of obtaining a search warrant, if needed.

For livestock neglect/abuse reports: Please direct livestock animal concerns to the TN Department of Agriculture.


 Possible Signs of Animal Cruelty

Physical Signs

  • Collar so tight it has caused a neck wound
  • Open wounds, signs of multiple healed wounds
  • Untreated skin conditions that have caused loss of hair, loss of skin, bumps, or rashes
  • Extreme thinness or emaciation (bones may be visible)
  • Fur infested with fleas, ticks, or other parasites
  • Patches of bumpy, scaly skin
  • Signs of inadequate grooming, such as extreme matting of fur, overgrown nails, and dirty coat
  • Weakness, limping, or inability to stand or walk normally
  • Heavy discharge from eyes or nose
  • An owner striking or otherwise physically abusing an animal
  • Visible signs of confusion or extreme drowsiness

 Environmental Signs

  • Pets tied up alone outside for long periods of time without adequate food or water, or with food or water that is unsanitary.
  • Pets kept outside in inclement weather without access to adequate shelter.
  • Animals kept in an area littered with feces, garbage, broken glass, or other objects that could harm them.
  • Animals housed in kennels or cages (often crowded in with other animals) that are too small to allow them to stand, turn around, and make normal movements.