
Fire Marshal's Office


About the Fire Marshal's Office

The Rutherford County Fire Marshal's Office is responsible for performing fire code inspections, code enforcement, permit issuance, plan review, public outreach/education, and fire/arson/explosion investigation within unincorporated Rutherford County.  This Division is also responsible for managing the Office of Professional Standards, which ensures that Rutherford County Fire Rescue personnel maintain the highest standards of professionalism that is expected by our community.

Code Enforcement Section

The Rutherford County Fire Marshal's Office is responsible for conduct fire and life safety inspections throughout the County in addition to conducting plan review for all new commercial construction projects.  For questions regarding fire and life safety inspections or to schedule an inspection please contact the Fire Marshal's Office at 615-907-3600.

Fire, Arson, and Explosion Investigation

The Fire Marshal’s Office (FMO) Arson Unit is tasked with investigating all fires and explosions throughout Rutherford County. The Arson Unit aggressively investigates all fires to not only to combat the crime of arson, but to directly gather information on how fires are starting in our community.  This data helps the department focus its fire safety and education efforts to reduce the potential for loss of life by fire. Rutherford County Arson Investigators are sworn law enforcement officers with police powers and make arrests in conjunction with criminal investigations in cases of arson, the criminal use of explosives, and other fire-related crimes.

Fire Safety Education & Outreach

The Rutherford County Fire Marshal's Office is responsible for coordinating and delivering fire safety education events throughout the county.  The FMO's fire/life safety educators and fire suppression staff routinely visit schools, attend community events, host station visits, and many other public relations events in the effort to reduce the loss of life by fire.

The education and outreach section also coordinates the FREE installation of smoke alarms in home that are in need.  Smoke alarms reduce your chances of dying in a home fire by 50%!  If you need for smoke alarms, please contact our Administrative office at (615) 867-4626.

Office of Professional Standards

The Office of Professional Standards under the Fire Marshal's Office is responsible for ensuring that the highest professional standards are maintained by RCFR personnel.  This Office is tasked with investigating complaints made against personnel or the organization as a whole.  These complaints are generally from the general public 

To submit a complaint, citizens may contact the Office of Professional Standards at (615) 907-3600 or complete the Citizen Complaint Form (below) and e-mail it to [email protected].


Open Burning

Open burning is defined as the burning of any matter under such conditions that the products of combustion are emitted directly into the atmosphere.  Generally speaking, open burning is permitted in Rutherford County and the State of Tennessee provided certain requirements are met.