Health Education & Promotion
Health educators coordinate activities that focus attention on lifestyle choices that will result in positive differences for at-risk groups
Health educators coordinate activities that focus attention on lifestyle choices that will result in positive differences for at-risk groups. Health Educators are available to join you for your community/school events. Displays are set up according to the population that will be attending the event. Displays include, but are not limited to: Sugars, Fats, Soft Drinks, Exercise, My Plate, Heart Disease, Stroke, High Blood Pressure, Sexually Transmitted Disease, Contraceptives, Sexual Health, Tobacco/Alcohol/Drugs and others.
What is a Health Educator?
Health educators teach people about behaviors that promote wellness. They develop and implement strategies to improve the health of individuals and communities as a whole.
What do Health Educators Teach?
The Health Educators are able to talk about anything that is deemed health related. Listed below are just a few of the topics that they discuss:
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Tobacco
- Teen Pregnancy Prevention
- STI Awareness
- Decision-Making Skill
Where do the Health Educators teach?
The Rutherford County Health Educators are able to teach at community events anywhere in Rutherford County. Listed are examples of the community that we are able to teach:
- Community Centers
- Senior Centers
- Schools
- Faith-Based Organizations
- Workplace
How much does it cost to have a health educator at my event?
This is a completely free service offered by the Rutherford County Health Department.
What is the health educators target audience?
Our target audience is all ages in Rutherford County. Though some programs are designed for specific age groups, we can redesign programs to fit your group.
If you are interested in having one of our health educators come out to you and present on a certain topic, please contact us:
Scan the above QR Code.
Call: 615-898-7880