Education Division

  • Community Relations Coordinator - Brent Carter - Email
  • CPR Coordinator - Asst. Director - Steve Hart - Email

Rutherford County EMS Education Division is responsible for developing and implementing public education. Most programs are designed to be proactive and will enhance the overall efforts of the Service's objective of saving lives. Classes are held for citizens and health care professionals in CPR, pediatric safety, emergency response, health, Child Car Seat Education, EMS awareness, and first aid.

The Community Relations Division offers "Show and Tells" for all age groups. This special group also provides health and safety education for children as well as adults.

This EMS Division offers unique opportunities to the community with educational programs for pre-schoolers to the college students. We provide programs such as EMS Awareness, Community Helpers, How and When to call 911, and Career Days.

Unit and equipment demonstrations are available for groups to tour an ambulance and answer questions. We attend Health Fairs, Community Events and teach Health and Safety programs including all age groups including Senior Citizens.

Paramedic Brent Carter is also responsible for Media and Community Relations, special projects with local organizations and building ties within the community.

In-service training is offered to all RCMES employees and meets re-licensure requirements for the state of Tennessee. The Division works closely with State EMS office to provide the most up-to-date information possible with the highest standards. Continuing Education Units are provided by the Division.

Currently the Division offers the following programs

  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support
  • ACLS Instructor updates
  • Pre-hospital Trauma Life Support
  • Pediatric Advanced Life Support
  • PALS Instructor updates
  • Ambulance Operations Course
  • American Heart Association Healthcare Provider CPR
  • Domestic Preparedness Courses
  • Online training