How do I get out of Jury Duty?
Juror Exemptions:
Jurors who:
- are not citizens of the United States (citizenship documentation required)
- have not resided in Rutherford County for at least 12 consecutive months (proof of residency required)
- are under the age of 18 (contact the Jury Coordinator)
- have been convicted or pled guilty to any felony offense, perjury or subornation of perjury (written notice)
Juror Hardships:
Some jurors may be temporarily excused if the juror:
- can prove a medical condition or disability (medical excuse required)
- has served on jury duty within the last two years (contact Jury Coordinator)
- is self-employed (business license/tax information required)
- is a caregiver (contact the Jury Coordinator)
- is active U.S. Military (copy of Orders required)
- extreme physical or financial hardship (medical excuse/tax information required)
Request to be Excused/Postponed
If any of the above hardship/exemptions apply to you, you must submit your request in writing along with the required documentation. You may complete this request online at, email a written statement with documentation to [email protected], or mail a written statement and documentation to:
Jury Coordinator
116 W. Lytle St.
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
Inconvenience or work hardships are not adequate reasons to be excused from jury duty; however, you may request to be postponed to a later date. You must provide documentation if you are requesting to be excused, failure to do so will result in a denial of your request.