Planning Commission Applications and Checklists
Rezoning Application
This is an application to change the zoning designation of a parcel(s).
Development Application (Subdivision and Site Plan)
This new application form is used for all subdivision plats and subdivision plats submitted to Rutherford County for review. All applications for building permits, except one-and two- family dwellings and residential accessory structures are required to obtain site plan approval prior to making application for building permit.
Preliminary Plan Checklist
This checklist provides information on the required elements of a preliminary plan. This checklist needs to be submitted along with any Preliminary Plan Application.
Final Plat Checklist
This checklist provides information on the required elements of a final plat. This checklist needs to be submitted along with any Final Plat Application.
Bond/Plat Extension Request
This is an application to request Planning Commission approval for an extension of a bond or plat.
Subdivision Waiver (Variance) Request
This application form is for any request for a variance from the rules and regulations specified in the Rutherford County Subdivision Regulations.