Administrative Review Applications and Checklists
Engineering Fees Application
This application is for Construction Plan Review Fees, Land Disturbance/Grading for Subdivision Fees, Land Disturbance/Grading for Commercial Fees, Critical Lot Grading Plan Fees, As-Built Records/Lot Release Review Fees, Construction Inspection Fees.
Minor Home Based Business Application
This application is for home based businesses that meet the qualifications for a minor home based business. This type of business is allowed by right in residential areas. Please consult with a staff planner to determine if your business will qualify.
Letter of Attorney-in-Fact
This form should be submitted along with any rezoning, variance or conditional use application where the applicant is not the current landowner.
Fence Design Guidelines
This form explains the zoning standards that apply to the erection of fences. Please bring the completed application to our office to be notarized and filed.
Sign Permit Application
This application must be completed and approved prior to the installation of signs in the unincorporated limits of Rutherford County.