Rutherford County PAWS announces microchip scanning station
Rutherford County Pet Adoption & Welfare Services (PAWS) is excited to announce the installation of a new 24/7 microchip scanning station.
This addition is located beside the front entrance to the shelter at 285 John R Rice Boulevard and is accessible to the public at all times, including after-hours. Community members are invited to bring pets found to the station, where easy-to-follow instructions explain how to scan for a microchip and, if one is found, where to look up the registration information online.
“We are excited to provide this scanning station for our citizens to utilize as we seek ways to make pet reunification efforts as easy as possible, “ said Rutherford County PAWS Director Michael Gregory. “Losing a pet is a stressful time for pet parents, and the goal is to have pets returned home as quickly as possible. This is also a great time to ensure that your contact information with your microchip company is updated if your pet is lost.”
This is a monitored location intended to help reunite lost pets with their owners, not a drop-off area for pets. If this scanning station benefits the community, Rutherford County PAWS hopes to launch the initiative in other locations around the county.