Violation | Fee |
Category One (Petitions)* | $107.00 |
Modification of Child support Child Support office only, does not apply to private petition |
$75.00 |
Delinquent, Unruly, Felony & Misdemeanor | $73.00 |
Juvenile Traffic | $49.00 |
Consent Orders, Diversion | $42.00 |
Voluntary motions to grant custody | $42.00 |
Marriage Waivers | $47.00 |
Issue Capias, Attachment, Show Cause, etc. | $42.00 |
Restricted Driver License | $25.00 |
Civil service fees for sheriff’s department | $42.00 |
Arrest fees for sheriff’s department | $42.00 |
Juvenile citations and traffic citations | $27.00 |
Miscellaneous Charges & Fees |
Post Judgment Request** | $25.00 |
Issue Subpoenas | $6.00 |
Continuances (taxed at end of case) | $7.00 |
Copies per page | $0.50 |
Mailing (certified) | $7.75 (reg.) / $8.75 (9x12) |
Certification and Seal | $5.00 |
Request to reinstate Driver License | $75.00 |
Expungements (If a Felony) | $100.00 + $50.00 |
Preparing a record on appeal to appellate court | $300.00 |
Third party complaints | Same fee as original complaint |
* Requests to establish support, parentage, paternity, legitimization and cases not otherwise specified, cross complaints and counter complaints and name change, establish trust funds. Note: This does not include the sheriff’s fees, $42.00 for service.
** Applies to each requested garnishment, execution, levy, post judgment interrogatory, publication request (order), motions to set installment payments, and post judgment orders and pleas, taking an appeal bond, motions to alter or amend, motions to set aside or motions to rehear referee’s decision (entering an order to rehear).
Note: Data Processing is figured into the total cost. Therefore, when charging the $107.00 dollar fee, this would be $98.00 to clerk and $4.00 to Data Processing and $5.00 Archive fee; Traffic citation fees $40.00 clerk and $4.00 D.P. plus $5.00 Archive fee; Juvenile $60.00 to clerk and $4.00 D.P. and $5.00 for Archive fee.
The Archive fee is a one time fee like the Data Processing fee. This is only charged when a new case is started, not on a second or third petition.