The contact information including the email address, phone number and fax number is located on the business card you will receive at orientation.
What do I need to bring to the appointments with my Probation Case Manager?
Your receipt of payment made to the Clerk, any proof of progress towards your conditions, and continued proof of lawful employment.
When do I report to my Probation Case Manger?
You and your Probation Case Manager will work together to schedule an appointment specific for you with a date and time to report.
How do I make a payment on my case(s)?
Payments for supervision fees may be made inside the probation office at 119 West College Street in the waiting area. Payments on your court costs should be made at the Judicial Center located at 116 West Lytle Street.
What forms of payment are accepted?
For PROBATION RELEATED FEES: Cash or Money Orders payable to Rutherford County Probation. You may also pay online at If you opt to pay online you may do so once you have obtained your PID number at orientation. No personal checks will be accepted
When can I make a payment on my case(s)?
Business hours are Monday–Friday from 7:30am–5:30pm
What do I do in the event of inclement weather/holidays?
During inclement weather, call (615) 849-5720 for notice of any cancellations or delayed openings or check the Rutherford County Government website. Holiday closings will be posted in the office, as well as on the Rutherford County website.
How much are my supervision fees?
Everyone placed on probation/retirement supervision is charged a supervision fee once per month, only while on supervised probation/retirement. The supervision fee is $45.00 monthly for guilty pleas, and $35.00 monthly for Retirement/Diversion pleas. Drug screens are $16.00 per screen & Class/Program fees will vary.
What do I need to do if I am on prescription medication that may be present when a drug screen is given?
If you are taking prescribed medication(s), please bring proof of your prescriptions to your Case Manager at your first office visit.
What if I am court ordered to complete a class that is not offered at the Rutherford County Probation & Recovery Office?
All resources specific to your case or needs will be provided to you by your Probation Case Manager.
Where do I serve my court ordered jail time?
Depending on where the court ordered you to do your jail time, the Rutherford County Adult Detention Center is located at 940 New Salem Highway - (615) 898-7774 and the Correctional Work Center is located at 1720 S. Church Street - (615) 898-7847.